HTML vs WordPress

Hasan Ansari
6 min readOct 24, 2022


A content management system is WordPress (CMS). Software that enables users to generate, edit, organize, and publish material is known as a content management system. One of these systems is WordPress. It gives users the freedom to produce material whatever they want and distribute it on their website. A markup language called HTML makes it possible to create static web pages. To host web content, websites employ markup languages like HTML. To create websites, HTML requires coding knowledge. In addition to HTML, other languages such as CSS and JavaScript are also used for the same purpose.

Let’s explore WordPress and HTML in further detail:

- We’ll evaluate the relative benefits and drawbacks of WordPress vs HTML in this post, go through several use scenarios, and detail some of each technology’s key features to assist our readers in making an informed decision about which technology to employ to build and host their website.

- WordPress gives its customers complete control over their material, including their files and documents, as well as the ability to have the design and presentation they choose. WordPress users don’t need any coding knowledge to post content.

- This beauty of good content enables any user to easily develop and maintain their material without the need for any coding. Since it powers over 26% of all websites on the internet, WordPress is the most widely used CMS.

- It is crucial to note that when we refer to WordPress in this context, we do not mean, a service for hosting blogs, but rather, a content management system. is open-source software.

Effortless Use
Code removal is WordPress’ most important advantage. It also implies that you can design and maintain your website without ever having to write a line of code. You can develop a website without ever seeing the code.

WordPress is perhaps one of the most widely used website systems due in part to its graphical user interface.

HTML, on the other hand, has no graphical user interface and all operations take place within the code. You must work within the code if you want to produce content.

You must modify the code if you want to alter how your website works. You see what I mean.

WordPress so unquestionably triumphs in the field of Usability.

Since WordPress is open-source, you may use it for free, but bear in mind that you’ll need to buy your own hosting.

You won’t incur any fees or have to pay for hosting if you choose to host your website directly at However, bear in mind that while doing this, you will only have partial ownership of the website.

If you are an expert coder when it comes to HTML, you won’t need to pay someone to develop the code for your website. If not, you’ll need to engage a developer to write your website as well as maintain him or her on staff because you’ll need him or her whenever you need to make updates.

You will require a hosting package if you choose to create an HTML website, which can range in price from $5 to $25 per month.

WordPress and HTML are tied in the price category as a result. The price will mostly rely on your requirements and circumstances.


Even though well-protected content management systems like WordPress have dozens of plugins that help keep your website secure, you just can’t always be completely protected.

Such systems are vulnerable, and hackers work hard to locate a gap in each new patch. Additionally, given the average WordPress site’s use of approximately 10 plugins and its themes, these elements can provide entry points for hackers.

HTML, on the other hand, is static code, and HTML webpages don’t have any background activities. Having said that, a static HTML website is less likely to be attacked by hackers.

HTML wins this category.

Lookup Engines
There was a rumor going around that since HTML webpages are static and don’t run any background operations, they load more quickly. Additionally, this gave rise to the misconception that HTML websites often score higher in search results.

This was never verified by the government, though. Although some excellent WordPress themes also enable a respectable loading time, HTML websites may easily achieve faster page loads.

Therefore, the type of website doesn’t matter when it comes to search engines and rankings, but you need to pay attention to the loading speed.

With that stated, WordPress and HTML are tied for first place in the search engines category.

The second greatest benefit of WordPress is its use of plugins, which enable more integration and speed up the creation of complicated websites aesthetically.

Although HTML webpages lack any active plugins, everything you need is incorporated right into the code. Because of this, building a complicated HTML website might take a lot longer.

Since plugins are one of the key integration components that increase convenience, WordPress unquestionably wins the category for plugins.

You won’t have to worry about updates after you develop an HTML website and send it to the server. You will need to return to the code and make the necessary adjustments when you wish to update the website.

However, WordPress as a whole receives regular upgrades, and this also holds true for its plugins and themes.

Updates are frequently lightweight, making them simple to do but also posing security issues.

HTML can therefore win this category even if it’s close to a tie if you’re searching for simplicity with lower risks.

Community and Assistance
You shouldn’t dismiss HTML at this stage because WordPress is one of the most well-liked content management systems in the world with a strong community & support presence.

The best thing about HTML is that it has a large number of excellent communities that are dedicated to it. As a result, you may always join a group and seek assistance from seasoned programmers.

This category is a tie since there is excellent community support for both WordPress and HTML.

It is common knowledge that HTML webpages are smaller and load more quickly. A user’s browser won’t have to engage in as many interactions with an HTML website as it would with a WordPress website when the user sees it.

WordPress, on the other hand, is built on PHP, and with each upgrade to PHP, the number of transactions per second increases, leading to faster loading times. However, it’s important to bear in mind that themes and plugins can contribute in another way to the functionality of a WordPress website.

I just can’t see myself giving up WordPress’ advantages for HTML’s marginally faster speed.

However, in terms of performance, HTML triumphs over WordPress.

You might be shocked to learn that WordPress was first developed as a platform for bloggers if you’re trying to build the ideal blog.

WordPress is incredibly practical for blogs, however as you develop your site, you should be mindful of a little security risk.

HTML, on the other hand, makes it difficult for bloggers to add fresh content, which is a major inconvenience. Additionally, it will be challenging for you to write the code for every feature your blog may want, such as an email pop-up.

If you are familiar with HTML, you can write incredibly complicated blog articles that WordPress may not ever allow you to. But doing it will need a lot of effort and expertise.

WordPress, therefore, triumphs in the blogging division.

Final Words
HTML might be a wonderful choice if you’re just starting started and attempting to develop a very simple website while learning a new language.

Looking over the aforementioned information, one can see that WordPress is unquestionably a solid option to make, which is presumably why so many websites are utilizing it. But that’s not the whole story; the use case itself is the crucial consideration before making a decision. WordPress is recommended for personal websites, light corporate websites, etc. when the goal is to distribute information. However, the scenario is completely different for major applications like e-commerce, social networks, etc. In such an instance, we would need to take into account hundreds of various elements and probably need to choose bespoke web development employing backend and front-end tools and frameworks.

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Hasan Ansari

Entrepreneur, Seasoned Marketer, Strategic Advisor, Author, Influencer, Mentor, and Social Worker